another day...another boring day.. I think I have been stuck in this house for almost a week straight.. by myself..I'm GOING CRAZY! So I got the computer moved and the office set up. I also brought all of kohen's toys downstairs and it is officially his play room now.. one confined space for all of his crap!
So I took some updated pics of the kiddos ..
Miss Kaelyn

Mr. Kohen
So I took some updated pics of the kiddos ..
Miss Kaelyn
Mr. Kohen
I will post more on my myspace later..
So what's on the agenda today? cleaning..what else? oh yeah taking care of the rugrats..Which brings me to a point..
The day before thanksgiving..I took my maternity leave..which they should rename my "insanity" leave.. time for me to be stuck in the house day in and day out with kids (god bless them) driving me up the wall.. The sad thing is.. most days I do have a car. but only for times that I want to venture out and HAVE to go somewhere. I would love to have some sort of hobby..or thing to do. but I don't. I need something to keep my brain from melting into a pile of goo...cuz ya know the only person I have to talk to is 4 and loves superheros..not the BEST conversation for a 24 year old adult..
You know what is involved by just running down the street to the grocery store??? get both kids dressed, fed (most importantly, because no one would appreciate me pulling off the side of the road to feed a screaming baby and a little boy saying "I WAN'T MCDONALDS!! please mommy please please please...) with a baby you have to bundle them up (great ohio weather..spring? what?).. strap them in the carseat..make sure the base and the booster seat are in the car..load them up..get them into the store.. (and let me tell you most carts are not carseat friendly) shop why saying no you can't have that, no I'm not buying you a toy...we can eat AGAIN when we get home..etc..checkout, push the groceries AND the children out to the car..load up the kids..load up the grocers.. and do it all over again when we get home.. now a simple 5 minute trip turned into 2 hours.. okay maybe I am exaggerating a little bit but there have been trips to the store where I get home and start pulling my hair out..
So my rambling has a point.. where is my "ME" time? Did I officially say goodbye to it when I starting having children when I was 19 years old? I love my life and everything in it but parts of me wishes that I could maybe just have sometime for myself. Especially because my heart is still broken from the tragedy that we won't talk about today (or I will be a pile of goo..) No time to time to take care of myself.. I can barely take a shower without kohen popping in or hearing the baby I sit on the computer with kohen at my ankles playing and the baby right at my side (because heaven forbid I leave her cuz she FREAKS out..) Mindless mindless typing and web surfing..It's either that or clean..which gets a little redundant..
Is it my destiny that I live for everyone else and let myself sink away? It seems that way..
So what's on the agenda today? cleaning..what else? oh yeah taking care of the rugrats..Which brings me to a point..
The day before thanksgiving..I took my maternity leave..which they should rename my "insanity" leave.. time for me to be stuck in the house day in and day out with kids (god bless them) driving me up the wall.. The sad thing is.. most days I do have a car. but only for times that I want to venture out and HAVE to go somewhere. I would love to have some sort of hobby..or thing to do. but I don't. I need something to keep my brain from melting into a pile of goo...cuz ya know the only person I have to talk to is 4 and loves superheros..not the BEST conversation for a 24 year old adult..
You know what is involved by just running down the street to the grocery store??? get both kids dressed, fed (most importantly, because no one would appreciate me pulling off the side of the road to feed a screaming baby and a little boy saying "I WAN'T MCDONALDS!! please mommy please please please...) with a baby you have to bundle them up (great ohio weather..spring? what?).. strap them in the carseat..make sure the base and the booster seat are in the car..load them up..get them into the store.. (and let me tell you most carts are not carseat friendly) shop why saying no you can't have that, no I'm not buying you a toy...we can eat AGAIN when we get home..etc..checkout, push the groceries AND the children out to the car..load up the kids..load up the grocers.. and do it all over again when we get home.. now a simple 5 minute trip turned into 2 hours.. okay maybe I am exaggerating a little bit but there have been trips to the store where I get home and start pulling my hair out..
So my rambling has a point.. where is my "ME" time? Did I officially say goodbye to it when I starting having children when I was 19 years old? I love my life and everything in it but parts of me wishes that I could maybe just have sometime for myself. Especially because my heart is still broken from the tragedy that we won't talk about today (or I will be a pile of goo..) No time to time to take care of myself.. I can barely take a shower without kohen popping in or hearing the baby I sit on the computer with kohen at my ankles playing and the baby right at my side (because heaven forbid I leave her cuz she FREAKS out..) Mindless mindless typing and web surfing..It's either that or clean..which gets a little redundant..
Is it my destiny that I live for everyone else and let myself sink away? It seems that way..