Thursday, September 3, 2009

One Step Forward..two steps back..

Okay so I've been struggling with nicotine addiction for quite some time now.. so I told myself.. "Kara it's time to quit now!!!"

It was stupid for me to even start smoking cigarettes in the first place.. but what's done is done..

I told myself I would take this next year and try to better myself for my kids and my future.. so the first step I wanted to take was to quit smoking.

Easy?? uh probably not.

I was smoke free for 5 days.. then yesterday I felt my world was crashing.. financially.. emotionally.. etc..

So I was a complete idiot and bought a pack of cigarettes.. complete waste of 5 dollars!!! why did I do that???

I feel like I have no self control or confidence. I feel disappointed. Part of me is like "kara you are kidding.. you can't quit.."

The other half is like.. "yes you can! you can't afford this anymore financially or physically! just do it!!!"

So here I feel like I took one step forward.. and two steps back. I have quit before I can go it again.. or can I? Is this the right time to even attempt it??

I guess what I'm looking for with this post is either advice or encouragement or something. Should I start over tomorrow? or just give up all together. agghhh...


Tricia said...

Definatley keep working towards quitting. You are doing something great for yourself and for your family. Just because you had a lapse in judgement (or whatever you want to call it) does not mean that you should just give up. It's hard to quit, but it will be so worth it. Keep your head up!

renee said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! you will NEVER regret quitting. but you will ALWAYS regret NOT quitting! it's like a diet, just b/c you cheated once, doesnt mean you just give up. you get right back on the horse and try even harder next time. good luck! (oh and btw i know MANY ppl who used chantix and it worked really well. my friend didn't even have to take the whole rx. he was done in 2 wks).