Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Soo..what's on my mind today..blah..yes blah...I haven't really been feeling very good about myself lately.. I am still suffering from "I hate my post-preggo body" syndrome..None of my clothes fit..and the ones that do show all of my baby belly rolls. After the first two kids the weight just seemed to drop off on it's own..not this time! Well I will have a year and a half to focus on getting myself back in shape.. I want to go tanning but I have spots on my back that have been there about a year and a half now that I still have to get checked out. they starting appearing after being addicted to tanning a while ago..I also want to get my hair cut and highlighted..yet that costs money we don't have.. I want to get new clothes that actually complement my "new" body shape..again..money..so I guess i just have to deal with what I've got..blah..blahh...

Other disappointing news... Josh didn't get the full time position that he applied for with the army for when he gets back from Iraq. I guess he said as more slots open up he can re-interview even if he is deployed. So hopefully that is the case.

Well on the up side.. we had a good easter. It was like christmas for kohen..he was showered with gift after gift all day sunday lol. Even kaelyn (who is only 3 months old) was spoiled. lol.
Which brings me to other news that my sister is expecting her first child in october. I'm so super excited to be an aunt for the first time!! It's going to be great.

Well other than that..it's just the normal stress..
Josh leaves in 18 days.. I can't believe it has creeped up this fast..
It will definately test my strength..even though I feel I have been tested enough for one lifetime..

1 comment:

andrea said...

i am getting nervous about htis pp body issue... i want to wear my clothes again! i can't wait to be able to work out..i missed it. which brings me to my other point - if you want a workout partner let me know! :) i'm available...

and omg! congrats to kristie!! that is awesome - apparently being an aunt is pretty fun too, according to my sisters :)