Friday, April 3, 2009

My kids ARE my life..without them? I wouldn't have one..

Okay... another new day... same as yesterday.. stuck at the house with the crappy weather outside..but the kicker is Josh won't be home til 9 tonight because he has drill at the armory..another friday night alone.. okay enough with the pity party...

So alicia moved out with nick into their own place. I'm really proud of her. She only lived here for like 5 months but It was enough to help her out..and it helped us out as well... so I've been thinking about what to do with the extra room.. see we have a finished basement and one room is the playroom (off the garage) and the other is just a spare room with access to the back door. The laundry room (equipped with an extra toilet) is off of the spare room. So I was thinking about turning it into the office. With the computer and lots of grownup things that shouldn't be in the playroom. That way ALL of kohen's mass amount of toys can be in the playroom instead of his bedroom. Because as of right now they are always overflowing into the room..the living room etc...

Which brings to another issue... Kaelyn will be over a year and a half when josh gets back.. eventually she has to get out of mommy's room..because it's just not healthy for either of us. So josh and I talked about it...and there has to be a decision made about Carter's stuff. (which may I remind you I haven't touched since the day he went to the hospital..still all in it's place...including his crib and blankets..) But.. I need to start letting go.. Josh made a good point that his worldy posessions are not him..they will not bring him back... so what do I do with them? I can't box them up.. I can't give them away.. My friend Tiff suggested making a quilt with his clothes and her grandmother would be honored to do it.. which would (for me) probably be the best option.. so I could have them forever..but not in a weird way..

Josh also made a point that he thinks Carter would be happy if his little sister slept in his Kohen also slept in that crib when he was a baby.. so it would only make sense to treat her the same..even though Carter is not here.. I have just been dreading this moment since he passed..but I also know that it has only been 15 months since he left..rush it? not sure...


how about an update on baby Kaelyn..
She is 10 weeks old..
She weighs 12lbs (70th percentile) and is 22 inches long (35th percentile) she's got finger toes and big feet like her mom..hazel eyes (and no they are not brown) like her dad. She has been smiling and cooing for a couple weeks now. It's the most adorable thing when she hears her momma's voice and looks at me with those sweet eyes and smiles. I LOVE IT! She is just about out of her size 1 diapers (well should be in 2's but I'm stretching the ones i have lol) and she's still in 0-3 mo clothes. She's a blessing everyday!
Alright.. more tomorrow..

1 comment:

andrea said...

i think an office is a great idea! you can have your own space ya know?

AFA the other stuff -- I think Carter would love for his baby sister to sleep in his crib. and I think that quilt sounds like a perfect idea. My heart breaks for you even having to think about this, but I know whatever you decide will be the best for you.

oh, and I think new kiddo pictures are in order!