Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i would NEVER do that..

This is for Andrea.. and all the other new moms out there.. just letting you know you are not alone..here are the hidden tales of motherhood...

~I always thought that letting kids watch too much tv was bad for their brain... okay my 4 1/2 year old son knows what a crest spin brush is and also life alert... HELLO!!!... lol

~Let my children throw fits in stores... um sorry but no matter how much control you have over your children.. they will do it!

~Burp and think its funny.. okay sometimes I have to laugh. when your kid laughs you laugh.. natural reaction.. of course it's always followed by "what do you say?" ...same thing with "tooting"

~put a child safety lock on their door knob so they can't get out of their room... okay this "sounds" mean.. but would you rather your house be on fire when you wake up? yeah that's what I thought....almost happened to me at our last apartment..

~bribes... okay most 'experts' say not to bribe children.. um yeah when you say " okay I will give you a cookie if you go do this.." and it gives you ten minutes to finish doing a MILLION things.. I think it is perfectly acceptable..

~Potty trained by 2..okay.. when they want to pee and poop in the toilet.. they will. you cannot force them. trust me.. Kohen was finally trained by the ripe age of 4..

~prop a bottle.. okay yes. probably bad.. but when you have a barking dog.. someone at the door.. screaming baby.. phone to answer.. etc.. um don't judge me!

~let baby sleep in a swing. all 3 of my children have loved their swing.. and you know what I LOVE my sleep.. so so be it..

~put cereal in their bottles.. it helps them sleep.. from spitting up.. etc..yes I did it (and still do)

okay so now I have to put my input on my proud parenting moments... these are the important ones..

~Kohen knows his manners. he says excuse me.. thank you.. please.. bless you.. etc.

~He knows when he does something wrong to admitt it and not lie

~He knows to say sorry. and mean it.

~He knows that he cannot have 'treats' until after he eats lunch or dinner.

~He can and is more than willing to share.

~each and every time he is punished I explain why he was in trouble

hope I shared some wisdom.. when you are a parent.. not everything is going to go as you expected. You do what you think is right and who cares what others think. If you survive and your children love you, respect you, and are healthy, then so be it. Kudos to all the other parents out there that read this! Hope u understand!


renee said...

omg i totally agree. josh and i used to look down on parents whose kids acted out at a restaurant or store. like "why can't they control that kid" but they ALL do it at some time. no matter how good of a parent you are. and i couldn't care less if they say they arent supposed to let them sleep in their swing/bouncy/boppy. we do it. IT'S CALLED PEACE PEOPLE! lol.

andrea said...

i love it kara!! :)
this is why i love you!!