Sunday, June 21, 2009

What Father's Day means to me..

From the day we found out I was pregnant with Kohen, my husband has been the best dad he could ever be.

He had such a natural sense on how to be a parent. Something I believe to this day that goes beyond a maternal instinct.

He has taught be so much about being a parent it's unreal.. yeah I did (and do) all the waking up at night and diaper changes.. but being a parent goes much beyond that.

He taught Kohen how to be a little dude. He plays rough with him and has "guy talk".. "we can't say sucks while mom is around" kind of guy talk.. he has taught him to respect me.. and so many other things.

With Carter, it also came so natural to him. Josh feels guilty for leaving Carter for 5 months, for basic training, out of his 15 month life.. but he did it for his kids. He joined the army to provide a better life for his kids.. and for that reason he should be proud. When he got back Carter was 13 months old.. they bonded as if he never left.

The day Carter choked, he did CPR and brought him back to life.. for that he should be proud because we at least had 6 more days to see our precious little angel..

With Kaelyn, daddy's little girl. She has him wrapped so tight around her little finger.. he better watch his wallet LOL.

He is an amazing father, friend, and companion. I have the upmost respect for this man.. and now, once again, for his family, he is sacrifices a year of his life to fight for his country and our freedoms.. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my loving husband.


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